Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spiritual Gifts and Talents--Individual Worth Value Experience 7

I completed the Individual Worth Value Experience #7.

For this Value experience, I read the required scriptures, then I asked three people to tell me about some of the positive qualities the Lord has given me.

It was nice to read these letters!

God gave each and every one of us different and unique gifts. These are a few examples of gifts my church leader, my dad, and my friend told me I have: faith, happiness, confidence, being selfless, creativity, integrity, knowledge, and many more.

I can continue to develop these gifts by praying, keeping my standards and striving to choose the right. I can use my gifts to lift others up and to serve. I know I am a daughter of God and that he personal gave me special gifts. -
See ya! -

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Hopes and Dreams--Individual Worth Value Experience 4

I am now working on Individual Worth Value Experience 4

You are preparing now to fulfill a unique mission on the earth. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119. In your journal make a list of your hopes and dreams for your future home, family, and education and some important things you would like to accomplish in your life, including becoming a wife and mother. Then write a plan that will help you achieve your goals. Share this plan with a family member, leader, or friend.

So, this experience has three major parts:

One--Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119

Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God; - Doctrine and Covenants 88:119"
First of all, I should say that I like this scripture. I have it hanging on a wall in my home. Mormons are a temple-oriented people. We build temples,
The San Diego Temple

We believe that our homes are sacred and can be like a temple,
Home Sweet Home
and we believe that we, our physical bodies, are temples.

An especially cute one!

So...I love this scripture because I have a lot of work to do as a mother to make my home and body into a temple, and this scripture provides a formula of what a temple, or house of God, is like.

Two--List of Hopes and dreams for my future home, family, and education

At first, this seems like a silly thing to do since I'm 35, I'm in the throes of motherhood, and it seems like I don't have as much of a future as I did 20 years ago.

But there is always time to hope, think, and plan for the future, so this is great.

My hopes for my future (and let's say current) home
  • It will be clean
  • It will be a place that is full of the Spirit
  • It will be a place that nurtures anyone who enters into it. - Keep in mind, nurture means to nourish, to enable and promote growth. I hope that whether it is a family member, friend, or occasional visitor, they will feel nourished--in mind, body, and spirit, when they come into my home
  • I want my home to be a place full of love, light, and peace

My hopes for my future (and current) family

Above all, I hope that my family will come to know the Savior. I hope that my children will develop a testimony. I hope other members of my family will also come to know and accept the gospel. I hope that one day I will have the chance to be sealed to parents. I hope that I will be able to see my children go on missions, get married in the temple, and have children of their own. I hope that at some point in the future, Homey and I will be able to serve a mission together as a couple.

I hope that we will be able to find true happiness.

My hopes for my future education

I hope to continue learning every day. I know that every day can be a learning experience if I'm willing to be aware of my surroundings and what the Lord is trying to teach me through practical experience.

Not only that, but I really would like to go to Graduate School one day. I would also like to learn to speak Italian, French, and Spanish fluently. It would also be awesome to learn to speak German.

I also want to continue to strengthen my spiritual knowledge and education. I hope to be a life-long learner when it comes to the gospel.

Three--A plan to Achieve Goals

This might sound like an oversimplification, but I assure you it is not. As I look at my goals and hopes for my future home, family, and education, I realize that many of them are lofty and will take years to accomplish. There are many long-term, short-term, broad, and specific plans that will be made. For now, I will say that the main plan I have is to:
  1. Pray for inspiration - I believe that if I have a prayerful heart and pray very specifically about these goals, the Lord will help to inspire me so I can accomplish them.
  2. Read my scriptures for guidance--I know that the Lord speaks to me through the scriptures. Studying the scriptures will give us an added measure of the Spirit, which is exactly what I need to be able to do the things that I've listed in this blog post.
  3. Attend the temple often--It strikes me that The temple is the model for our homes and our selves. If I want to make my home, family, and life like the house of the Lord, then it is a good idea to attend often. Not only that, but we often open ourselves to more guidance and revelation when we go to the temple.

So...there you have it. This has been a nice exercise. Have you completed Individual Worth Value Experience 4? What was your experience like? What did you learn? What are you going t do?


Friday, October 11, 2013

My Dreams - Individual Worth Value Experience 4

I have just completed the fourth value experience in the Personal Progress Program.

You are preparing now to fulfill a unique mission on the earth. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119. In your journal make a list of your hopes and dreams for your future home, family, and education and some important things you would like to accomplish in your life, including becoming a wife and mother. Then write a plan that will help you achieve your goals. Share this plan with a family member, leader, or friend." - Individual Worth Value Experience 4

I have many hopes and dreams for my future. Here are some of them:
  • go to college
  • be a good mother
  • have a family
  • have a house of prayer
    • a house of fasting
    • a house of faith
    • a house of learning
    • a house of glory
    • a house of order
    • a house of God
  • have a willing family that will help anyone
  • to be an example

To achieve my goals, I will strive to read the scriptures and pray every day. I will also try my very hardest to exceed in school and go to college. I will follow my standards. I will get married in the temple and have a family of my own. I will have family home evening with my family to teach them to have a love for the gospel.

What are your hopes and dreams? What will you do to obtain them?
