Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chocolate Chip Personal Progress Cookies

Here is a yummy chocolate cookie recipe that you can use while working on a couple of value experiences.

You can work on Knowledge 2 and make learn a new skill of making cookies. This is a great thing to know for your future family. A yummy batch of cookies are just the perfect thing every once in a while!

You could also make these cookies for someone and complete Good Works 3. Take these cookies and a note and show love or comfort to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Well, here's the recipe:

2 1/2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar (white sugar)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

First, preheat the oven to 350° F

Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt (dry ingredients) in a medium mixing bowl.

Cream the cooled butter and sugars together in a large mixing bowl with a wooden spoon. Add the eggs and vanilla and beat until smooth.

Stir in the flour mixture until just incorporated. Stir in the chocolate chips.

Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 10 minutes to let the dough firm up.

Spoon the batter on onto ungreased baking sheets, leaving about 3 inches between each cookie. If you want, you can line the cookie sheet with a Silpat or Parchment paper.

Make sure that the cookies will be good by tasting the dough...and share it with your siblings!

Bake the cookies at 350° until golden around the edges, about 10 minutes or so.

The most important step...

- Tiger

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Talents (Knowledge Value Experience 2)

Today, I'm beginning to work on knowledge experience 2:
"In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking, sewing, or child care). Share with your family, class, or Young Women leader what you have learned.

I really like this value experience. First of all, when do we really take time to think about our talents: ones that we want and ones that we would like to develop? I mean, maybe we think about this a lot when we're younger and in school, but when you're a grown adult? A mother? I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like an old dog that can't learn new tricks.

But here I am, a mother of a young woman, in my mid-thirties, thinking of my talents and ones that I'd like to develop.

I know that I have been blessed with many gifts and talents. I won't go into it here, but if you're a mom, and you're reading this, take the time to recognize your talents. It's funny because it seems kind of prideful to recognize our talents. Yet, in our unwillingness to be open about our talents, aren't we more like the man who received one talent then buried it? I don't mean to say that we need to be annoying and shout out our talents. But we should be okay with admitting that we are good at things; that we are talented. Maybe this gives you an insight as to what kind of woman I tend to be. For example, I know that I'm a creative person, but sometimes I feel quite slow to talk about it or admit it because I feel like when I compare myself with others, I don't seem all that talented. AHHH! What a bad habit! So...I see two problems here. 1)I need to be willing to admit the talents I have. 2) I need to stop comparing myself to others.

Now, since I'm a mom, this goal obviously can be stated differently: I need to learn a new skill or talent that will help me care for my CURRENT family/home. Right now! As I think of the talent that I'd like to develop, I know that this will sound strange, but I want to develop the talent of visualization.

Another way to put it is to develop an eye of faith.

I have been learning a lot about self-image and visualization, and I can see that many of the challenges I'm facing in my life right now are completely in my control: I simply need to learn how to change my self image and visualize the success I desire. This is a concept that is also taught in the scriptures. So...I would like to develop an eye of faith, or my ability to visualize.

I will update you on how this goes a little later. For now, I'm working on a few techniques that I'm hoping will help me to develop this talent.

- Choco *** Have you completed Knowledge Value Experience 2? Are you working on it? Please share your experience. You can comment here, or send us an email at chococatania [at] gmail [dot] com, with you're experience, and we'll feature it here on our blog!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Knowledge 1 and the Giveaway Winners

First Mutual Experience

First I will tell you about my first experience at Mutual. So I went to my first mutual (a Young Women Activity) a couple days ago. All the YW went to the Young Women President's house and made bread. While the dough was rising, we all read the parable of the talents (see Matthew 25:14-30). This activity would count for Personal Progress - Knowledge Experience 2. We all learned a new talent (making bread) and read the parable of the talents. All that was left to do was write in our journals about the talents we have.

My talents are I am happy always, I am spiritual, I can bake/cook, I am artistic, and I am loving.

After talking with my mom about it, we decided that I already knew how to make bread so I should learn to do something else. Instead of making bread I learned how to crochet a Granny Square.

Aren't these so cute?!

Not only that, but I taught my sister how to crochet a granny square, too. I think that I'll make a few of them and create either a purse or some other cute creation.

Give Away Winner!

Oh...and time to announce the winners of the giveaway from last week:

Tristan and Jocelyn. My mom will email you tonight. Thanks for playing along.

- Tiger

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Act Well

One of my favorite quotes from this last general conference. Read the whole talk by Sister Elaine Dalton here.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Patriarchal Blessings - Individual Worth Value Experience #2

Even though I have already gotten my Patriarchal Blessing, I still found working on this value experience very helpful.

A patriarchal blessing is a special blessing, given by the laying on of hands by a ordained patriarch. Okay. So, what does this mean? Well, a man who holds the priesthood and who has been called to be a patriarch can, when you have requested it and have been found worthy and prepared by your bishop, give you a special priesthood blessing.

In True to the Faith, we learn:
"Once you have received your patriarchal blessing, you should read it humbly, prayerfully, and frequently. It is a personal revelation from your Heavenly Father who knows your strengths, weaknesses, and eternal potential."

Patriarchal Blessings...pretty cool

President Monson once taught:
"Your patriarchal blessing is yours and yours alone. It may be brief or lengthy, simple or profound. Length and language do not a patriarchal blessing make. It is the Spirit that conveys the true meaning. Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers." - Thomas S. Monson

I have to admit, I haven't been doing this as much as I should. In fact, I was feeling a little down and out the other day, and I had the thought that I should read my Patriarchal Blessing, but I didn't! I'm grateful for this chance I've had to do it now.

Our patriarchal blessings are very personal, and they are given for comfort and direction and for a time in our lives when we might need them.

I will tell a little bit about my experience receiving a Patriarchal Blessing. I received mine when I was fourteen years old. I had the feeling that I wanted to get it, so I talked to my mom and then my bishop. After meeting with the Bishop, I made an appointment with my Patriarch to receive my blessing.

I got my patriarchal blessing on a weekday, and I remember fasting all day long before I went to receive my blessing. It was kind of strange not to eat at school, but my mom and bishop had told me that being extra prayerful would help me to have the Spirit. I remember that I even wore a skirt to school. I knew that I'd have to go right from school to the patriarch's house - he lived like 45 minutes away. Fasting and being in a skirt all day at school helped me to think of what was going to take place that evening. I felt especially close to the Spirit throughout the day.

When I got to the Patriarch's house, I was a little nervous. I didn't know what to expect. But he helped me feel right at home. My Patriarch was Patriarch Brown. He lived in a small house outside of Philadelphia. He was a simple, humble man. If I remember correctly, he was a retired school-teacher.

One thing that was especially unique about Patriarch Brown was that his house was full of clocks. He told me he liked to collect them. He then taught me a little bit more about Patriarchal blessings. He told me how he prepared through fasting and prayer. He explained that he didn't know what he would say in my Patriarchal Blessing (or any patriarchal blessing, for that matter) until he was in the middle of giving it. The reason is: these Patriarchal Blessings are not for him to give, but they are from God.

Receiving my patriarchal blessing was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had. I felt completely surrounded by the love of God. I had very little experience with Priesthood blessings. I had never had a father's blessing, and had only received blessings in association with receiving callings. The Spirit was overwhelming, and I came away from Patriarch Brown's house knowing that God knew me, personally, and that He Loved me.


My patriarchal blessing has taught me of my worth and identity in life. Sometimes, I have a hard time remembering that I'm valuable to God-that I'm of infinite worth. I find that when I'm forgetting my value, it is because I'm forgetting my identity. It is hard to feel worthless when we consider that we are children of God. My patriarchal blessing has been a good way for me to remember that I am of great worth to Him. My Patriarchal blessing reminds me that not only am I a daughter of God, but He knows me, personally. He knows me by name. He knows my strengths and weaknesses. He knows the conditions of my life. And, above all, He loves me.

I will share one example with you:
"Recognize,...that you have been sent here. Your coming to the earth has in no way been accidental. You were sent at this time so that you might do more with your life than you ever could have done a any other time in the history of the earth."

When I received my patriarchal blessing, this paragraph made a profound impact on me. First of all, it should be stated that I had never met the patriarch before I received my blessing. He didn't really know anything about me. He didn't know that I was born out of wedlock, adopted by my dad, and that I had never known my biological father. Though my life was full of love, there was an element to my identity that made me feel like I was an "accident", or unwanted in some way.

My patriarchal blessing shattered this thought/worry. I am not an accident. Heavenly Father purposely sent me here, and He let me know that my life truly has meaning and purpose. It was a great blessing for me to know this when I was a teenager. This fact continues to be a blessing for me now.


In her talk on Patriarchal Blessings, Julie B. Beck states:
"You are never too young to start learning about patriarchal blessings." - Julie B. Beck
Of course, her statement is true. I think that I'd like to add that you are never to old to remember the value, purpose, and benefit of a patriarchal blessing. I'm grateful to have received mine. It helps guide and comfort me. It encourages and motivates me to choose the right. Above all, it reminds me of my individual worth as a daughter of God.

- Choco

Monday, July 8, 2013

Individual Worth Value Experience 2 - Patriarchal Blessings

Well today I have started my Personal Progress. There are eight values. They are: Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue. I am starting on Individual Worth.
My first day in Young Womens...My personal progress books...and my new YW torch necklace.

In Personal Progress there are required value experiences and after you finish six of those you do a value project. The value experience I am doing right now is to learn the importance of patriarchal blessings (Individual Worth value experience #2).

Patriarchal blessings are given because they
"declare your lineage in the house of Israel and contains personal counsel from the Lord to you." - True to Faith page 111
This means you will receive counsel or direction from the Lord to you personally and will tell you which tribe of Israel you are in.

You receive your patriarchal blessing from an ordained patriarch in your stake.

President Thomas S. Monson refers to our patriarchal blessings as
"A Liahona of light." - see his conference talk here
Your bishop and parents will help you decide when the right time comes to receive a patriarchal blessing.

Sister Julie B. Beck said:
"When you understand the meaning and purpose of a patriarchal blessing and have a sincere desire to do the work of the Lord, you should be mature enough to receive your blessing….. It is important to fast and pray before your blessing so your spirit is humble and teachable. Your personal preparation is very important." - Julie B. Beck

I haven't received my patriarchal blessing , but I will prepare for when I receive one. Have you received your patriarchal blessing? When did you receive it? How has it been a blessing in your life?

See you!

Oh...and don't forget about our give-away!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Personal Progress Perspectives

Hi there, I'm Tiger.


I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints (also known as the Mormons). I just turned 12 and I am about to start personal progress* and the Young Women's program. The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences in Young Women and Personal Progress.

Additionally, since we have been encouraged to do Personal Progress with our Moms, my mom will also be posting on this blog about her experiences.

Me and my mom

That is why we have named the blog Personal Progress perspectives.

In my ward* every other girl in my class has left for young women, except me and one other girl. I got to go to girls camp a few weeks ago, and I had an awesome experience. I loved how the spirit felt during the testimony meeting. I didn't cry, but you don't have to cry to feel the spirit. I am excited for YW (Young Women's) because I can get out of primary and to learn more things to become a righteous Daughter of God. I am excited for Personal Progress because I can share my experiences online to others. I hope you like this blog. I hope it turns out pretty cool and hey, I'm being a missionary. kick off this blog, we are hosting a give-a-way!!!

We will be giving away these value bracelets!

Two winners will receive a set of 8 beaded bracelets in the colors of the Young Women's Values. Not only are these bracelets cute, but they are useful. When you are working on a value experience that lasts several days, then wear the bracelet. This will help you to remember to think about this goal each day throughout the duration of the experience. For example, if you are working on the first value experience for faith, you will find the following instructions:
"Exercise your own faith by establishing a habit of prayer in your life. Begin by regularly saying your morning and evening prayers. After three weeks of following this pattern, discuss with a parent or leader what you have learned about faith and how daily personal prayer has strengthened your faith."
Through these three weeks, wear your white value bracelet to serve as a visual reminder to work on this value experience.

Of course, you can just wear these bracelets anytime you want, too. :)

To enter into this give-away, just comment on the blog, or "like" our Facebook page. The contest closes at 11:59PM on July 14th and two winners will be announced on July 15th 2013. Winners will be selected at random.

Thanks for stopping by today, and keep checking in often. We hope that many changes will happen as we get this site going. We will be posting often, and hope that this will be an inspiring and helpful place for anyone working on Personal Progress. ***
*Personal Progress is a program that helps young women come unto Christ.

*A Ward is a congregation.